Farida Fahmy

Official Website

NEW! Farida's Limited Edition BOOK, only 750 printed! Don't miss out!

In 1959, four eager young Cairenes presented the début performance of their pioneering dance theater company — the Reda Troupe. They would go on to perform internationally for decades as Egypt’s premier dance troupe, inspiring audiences and generations of dancers globally to this day.

In her remarkably honest and insightful memoir, Farida Fahmy, pays homage to the four founders, including legendary choreographer Mahmoud Reda. She shares intimate glimpses into her early life, the troupe’s humble beginnings, and the priceless support they received despite many challenges. 

The Reda Troupe’s dynamism — its color, life, confidence, and festive spirit — shines brightly in the magical photos that Farida has preserved and treasured. As she reflects on her personal journey, Farida celebrates the success of Egypt’s ground-breaking troupe whose legacy endures world-wide.

$90 USD plus postage, posted late April 2024, first deliveries received early May!

E-BOOK version also available! Immediate download

If you're in a hurry to see this exciting book, you can also purchase the digital VERSION, to download and enjoy immediately! This book is soul food for dancers, and you will learn about Egypt's revolutionary  Reda Troupe, and its dance history, first hand.

Note: If you order the hardback, you get a $10 discount on the ebook.

$30 USD plus postage, immediate download
208 pages, 500 MB file